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Friday, September 27, 2013, 11:32 - Photo of the Day
The distance between Asia and Europe is small yet vast
Friday, September 6, 2013, 20:00 - Commentary
Barcelona"Like it? No. But I have to eat," 77 year-old Erique, one of Barcelona's last knife sharpeners tells me when I ask why he continues to get up before dawn to ride his scooter around the city in search of customers. For more than forty years he has taken his mobile sharpening stand attached to his Vespa around Catalonia.

He says he continues to work because the pension available to him wouldn't support him. At the same time his customer base continues to shrink. Among the other knife sharpers all are well past retirement age. In an age of cheap knives from China that can be purchased at local stores it is hard to imagine that Enrique's profession will last much longer.

Unlike the tens of thousands of Spaniards who have fled the economic downturn fro greener, if not warmer pastures in Germany and Scandinavia men and woman like this knife sharpener are tied to their nation both by familial obligations as well as age.
Thursday, September 5, 2013, 10:59 - Shooting, Commentary
BarcelonaFor months I had been hearing a peculiar whistle sound every few weeks. After some investigation it turned out that it was one of Barcelona's few remaining knife sharpeners.

Enrique started in his profession forty years ago at the urging of an uncle. At the time he worked in a factory earning the equivalent of five to seven euros a month. On a lark he went with his uncle one Sunday and earned a quarter of his monthly wage in just a day.
Riding his antique Vespa around Barcelona he says he has to get up earlier and drive farther for the few remaining customers he has which tend to be restaurants.
When you can buy a sharp knife from Ikea for five euros why spend two euros to have that same knife sharpened when it gets dull? Enrique is just one of many Spaniards being buffeted by the winds of economic change.
Thursday, July 25, 2013, 08:56 - Personal, Events
If you happen to be in Barcelona today or tomorrow stop by the joint exhibition that I'm in! I will be screening the multimedia piece I create exploring European Pentecostalism and showing some rare color prints of my work here in Europe.
More info: http://www.homesession.org/03_news/2013 ... diane.html
The Evidence of Things Not Seen
The manifestation of faith or rather, its performance as evidence of the unknowable is the starting point for Damaso Reyes & Diane Sylvester's exhibition "The Evidence of Things Not Seen." The show explores how belief is experienced by individuals and groups in The United States and Europe as well as the dialectic between its intimate nature and the more expansive community that faith builds through the external presentation of internal experiences.
Diane Sylvester's video installation "Jesus Man" documents the steps of an individual who has become over the course of twenty years both a local institution and a street evangelist. Through his daily routine "Jesus Man" is a catalyst of community for what would otherwise be a disconnected and isolated collection of individuals in New York's Manhattan Valley neighborhood. Through this visual and aural experience Diane shares the ritual nature of a religious "performance" that over time exceeds its spiritual starting point.
Damaso Reyes presents an audio and photographic work "Speaking in Tongues" which is based on two years of documentary research examining the rites of Pentecostal churches in Catalonia, England and Ukraine. The images and sound explored how deeply personal and transcendental experiences of prayer is manifested in public expressions of faith. His still images from Spain, England and Ukraine are juxtaposed with the recorded sounds of Pentecostal worship services in Catalonia to allow the audience to temporarily witness how this faith is experienced by some of its most devout adherents.
Opening: Thursday, July 25- 2013, 19:30
Exhibition: 25/07 -> 27/07, 17:00-19:30 and by appointment
C/ Creu dels Molers 15. Barcelona. Metro Poble Sec
Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 07:20 - Photo of the Day
StockholmIf your tire of looking at your feet turn towards the stars...

Sunday, July 7, 2013, 07:18 - Photo of the Day
StockholmThere were many things I expected in Sweden. 7/11 is not one of them.

Friday, July 5, 2013, 11:15 - Photo of the Day
StockholmSo far and yet so close...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013, 07:11 - Project News
If you are a little more visually oriented check out the photo essay and multimedia piece I published on The Mantle about Pentecostalism's spread here in Europe. 
Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 07:06 - Project News
StockholmFor those of you who love to read please check out my article about the spread of Pentecostalism in Europe which was published in the Spring Issue of World Policy Journal.

It is the culmination of a year's worth of explorations and I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, June 20, 2013, 09:59 - Travel, Shooting, Photo of the Day
On my first full day back in Europe I find a baseball game!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 09:55 - Travel, Project News
Well here I am in Scandinavia for the first time! I'll be around for about a month exploring Sweden and I look forward to keeping you posted on what I discover!
Thursday, June 13, 2013, 09:50 - Travel, Personal, Project News
I’m excited to announce my selection as an Immigration Reporting Fellow by the French American Foundation. For my project I’ll be traveling to Sweden on Sunday for a month to look at the lives of second generation immigrants of Turkish decent and in September I will be based in Istanbul for two months interviewing and photographing those who have migrated to Turkey. It should be an exciting few months so expect several updates! If you have any tips for Stockholm or Istanbul please let me know.
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