There are many different ways you can help support The Europeans, here are just a few:
Donate Your Talent
The Europeans needs contributors! Are you a blogger with some thoughts about how Europe is changing? Are you a European who is being affected by what's happening? Are you a photographer or videographer working on this issue? Share your thoughts and work with us and help get the conversation started!
Are you a graphic designer, PR expert, grant writer or translator? Do you have some other skill that could be valuable? Then feel free to send us an email and let me know what you can do. Right now this project is a one man operation and as the old saying goes “many hands make light work.” Perhaps the most important way to contribute is to tell other people about the project and check in on my progress from time to time.
Donate Your Money:
It might be the most mundane way to support the cause but believe me, it’s an important one. So far every cent that I have spent on this project from buying airline tickets to paying for places to stay and food to eat has come out of my own pockets, which are not that deep! Your financial contributions are both welcome and necessary for this work to continue. You can also buy a piece of equipment instead of donating cash, visit the Wish List for some ideas. There are several different levels at which you can help:
Friend $50-$249
Friends of The Europeans will receive a signed Epson ink jet print of one of the images from this project as well as a warm feeling in their heart.
Sustainer $250-$999
Those who chose to help sustain The Europeans will receive a signed 11”x14” RC print from the project in addition to knowing that they have done the right thing.
Benefactor $1,000-$2, 499
Benefactors of The Europeans will receive two signed 11”x14” fiber prints from the project and can tell all their friends just how generous they are.
Patron $2,500-$4,999
Those who are able to support the project as a Patron will receive a signed 16”x20” signed fiber print of one of the images from The Europeans and most likely a sense that they are helping the world become a better place.
Angel $5,000 +
Angels will receive five 16”x20” signed fiber print of images from the project in addition to proving that there really are good people left in the world.
Prints will be delivered within one year of the donation. Images will be selected by the artist.
How to Donate
There are several different ways to donate to The Europeans. If you are in the United States and would like to make a tax deductible contribution you can write a check to:
The Europeans, Inc.
969 Gates Ave. #208
Brooklyn, NY 11201
You can also contribute directly via Paypal, a safe and secure way to send money online. You can give a one time gift of any amount or subsrcribe to The Europeans for $10 per month for one year.
Donate Your Expertise
Are you an expert about a certain topic or part of Europe that might be valuable to this project? Is there a person, place or thing that The Europeans should document? Do you have insights into securing funding for the project or a future show? Please let me know. As well read and researched as I am, my limited abilities are no match for what you might have to offer.
Donate Your Goods and Services
The Europeans is constantly looking for corporate sponsors willing to donate their products to a good cause. The needs of this project range widely from airline tickets and photographic equipment to internet access and printing services, just to name a few. Not sure if your company has something that could be useful? Just drop me a line.
is the official film sponsor of The Europeans